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Vestra s-a nascut din dorinta Elsaco- grup integrat care functioneaza in Romania de peste 20 de ani – de a oferi performanta si specializare la un nivel superior, pe segmentul furnizarii de echipamente si servicii in industria utilitatilor si automatizarii. Echipa se concentreaza foarte mult pe promovarea calitatii si pe o educare atat a publicului cat si a specialistilor, astfel propun pietei orientarea catre solutiile SMART. Ce fel de solutii sunt acestea si cum arata industria prin prisma unei companii cu experienta, am aflat de la dl Cristian Oltean, Manager Zonal Vestra.
Cine sunt in principal clientii dumneavoastra si care sunt diferentele dintre ei? Domeniul utilitatilor este unul vast, cu o piata larga de consum. E greu de spus care sunt principalii nostri clienti, pentru ca fiecare client este important pentru noi. Avem clienti care vin din zona publica, si anume operatorii de apa/canal, gaz si termoficare dar ne adresam si investitorilor privati care doresc sa d
The Danube – Eastern Europe Regional Water Forum is an event dedicated to all water specialists starting with water resources managers, water supply and sewerage operators and last but not least the general public interested in improving the technical and managerial performance of the sector.
EXPOAPA annually brings to the attention of the participants the most up-to-date information on the evolution and development of the water sector in Romania, first of all, but also in the countries of the region and not only. Along with the Technical-Scientific Conference, the Exhibition of specialized equipment and technologies for the water sector, EXPOAPA, presented, year after year, the latest solutions to improve performance and increase technical and managerial efficiency in the sector.
Every year, during the event, various equipment and installations were presented, both for drinking water and for wastewater, such as:
parts and subassemblies of taps and valves, intelligent, h
Vestra was born out of the desire of Elsaco, an integrated group, which has been operating in Romania for over 25 years - to offer performance and specialization at a higher level, in the segment of providing equipment and services in the utilities and automation industry.
Vestra separated from the Elsaco group in 2015, when the main goal of the division became to bring the most efficient and high-quality solutions for both private and state customers in the field of utilities and industrial automation to the Romanian market. We have collaborated with world leaders in a desire to provide companies with the best solutions for their daily challenges. Our portfolio of manufacturers also recommends us for the most complex projects. We have been evolving with our customers for years and we are constantly adapting to the needs of the market. Vestra offers not only equipment, but a dedicated team that is constantly looking for the most efficient solutions for customer success.
As the climate changes, we adapt and find new ways to live and develop. These adaptations have an impact on our planet and ultimately trigger changes in the environment.
The UN estimates that by 2030, up to 700 million people will relocate due to water, either due to excess presence or lack thereof. This will significantly impact existing infrastructure, water systems will be overloaded and they will not allow more consumers, and if water resources are insufficient, the challenge is major.
The UN General Assembly has defined 17 goals of sustainable development, so sustainability and circular economy have become a central topic on the international agenda. To prevent dangerous climate change, the EU has pledged under the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and to achieve carbon neutrality by in the middle of the century. The action may seem easy to neglect, but the idea is to find and implement environmentally